EDWARD A. BUDER, jeweler and watchmaker, Cairo, Ill., was born November 4, 1839, in Austria. He is the second of a family of five sons of Florian and Rosalia Buder, both of whom were Austrians by birth. Edward A., when fourteen years old, having received a fair education, came to the United States, and for four years was located at Hartford, Conn., during which time he was learning the art of plating in the establishment of the famous Rogers Bros, of that city. Leaving there in 1857, he came to St. Louis, Mo., where he spent another four years in perfecting the trade of watchmaker and jeweler. He came to Cairo, Ill., in 1861, and that year, in connection with his brother, William Buder, opened a business on a very limited scale. By a natural adaptation to business, and a thorough knowledge of their line, together with a native energy, they soon found themselves able to branch out largely, and in a few years began a wholesale business, employing a traveling salesman. For a number of years the firm did business on corner of Eighth street and Washington avenue, now occupied by Barclay Brothers, druggists. Mr. Buder has met with some severe losses, one by fire, and others perhaps more serious, and from a source far more aggravating. Being in business during the war, they were subjected to cruel robbery at the hands of an unprincipled mob of drunken soldiers who, in passing along, were attracted by the display of watches in the show windows. Immediately, as if by instinct, they were impressed with their need of watches, and a rush was made for the window, all (including the proprietors) striving for first choice. In 1877, the partnership terminated by the withdrawal of William, since which time Edward A. has been sole proprietor. He is now located at No. 104 Commercial avenue, where he has a stock and trade second to none in Southern Illinois. He owns a quantity of valuable city real estate, including a block of three-story buildings on northwest corner of Eighth street and Commercial avenue. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and Knights of Honor. He was married in Cairo, Ill., February, 1866, to Miss Susan Schmidt. She was born in Prussia in 1844, and died in Cairo, Ill., in 1870, leaving two daughters — Mary and Rosa Buder. Minnie Kaufman, to whom he is now married, was born in Prussia in 1850. By this union there are four children, viz.: Edward, Otto, Minnie and Florence Buder.
Extracted 31 Mar 2017 by Norma Hass from 1883 History of Alexander, Union, and Pulaski Counties, Illinois, Part V, page 10.
Cape Girardeau MO |
Union | |
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Pulaski | |
Scott MO | Mississippi MO | Ballard KY |