A. J. BUNCH, farmer, P. O. Clear Creek Lauding. The grandparents of our subject were natives of Christian County, Ky., and there Cater Bunch, the father, was born. His father having died soon after he was born, his mother came with him and his brothers and sisters to this county, and settled close to where Elco now stands. There the father grew to manhood and married Maria Landers, of that precinct. There also our subject, the sixth of seven children, was born January 31, 1837. His parents died when he was young, and he was taken to Jonesboro Precinct, Union County, where he was raised. At the age of seventeen, he commenced learning the trade of a blacksmith, under Adam Cruse, of Jonesboro. He next worked for a man by the name of Matthew Stokes. In time, Mr. Stokes took our subject in as a partner, and they continued in business for some time. The latter, however, finally purchased his partner's interest and continued by himself. After working for several years there, our subject came to Clear Creek and erected a blacksmith shop on the McClure place. He remained there four years, and then embarked on the life of a farmer, and purchased a farm of sixty acres in Section 9, Town 14. Range 3 west. He also owns fifty acres in Meisenheimer Precinct, Union County. Our subject was married, March 12, 1862, to Minerva I. Sams, a daughter of Nathan Sams. She is the mother of five children— Joseph, born December 24, 1863; Norma, born October 29. 1874; Eunice, born Octobers, 1876; Herman, born January 25, 1879; Rodney, born December 30. 1880. In politics, he was a Democrat until the breaking-out of the war, but since that time he has been a Republican. He has served in numerous township offices, and is a member of Jonesboro Lodge, No. 241, I. O. O. F.
Extracted 29 Mar 2017 by Norma Hass from 1883 History of Alexander, Union, and Pulaski Counties, Illinois, page 243.
Cape Girardeau MO |
Union | |
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Pulaski | |
Scott MO | Mississippi MO | Ballard KY |